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Road to success

An advanced, selective library with detailed instructions and optimized algorithms, presented as quizzes, facilitates the quick understanding and memorization of knowledge on each topic.


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What does this site include?

Below are the categories compiled under the quizzes.

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Selected Question Set

A large number of selected questions, from basic to advanced, related to learning topics.

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Detailed explanation

Each question has detailed explanations and instructions, helping to clearly understand the content of each topic.

Memorization algorithm

Apply algorithms in selecting questions and difficulty levels to facilitate review and effective knowledge acquisition.

How to practice effectively?

Check out the content below to practice more effectively.

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Daily practice will help you form a good habit, helping your studies to progress. In addition, with a large amount of knowledge, daily study helps reduce the amount of knowledge absorbed, avoiding being overwhelmed during the exam period.

Practice is for you to be able to grasp the knowledge, so when doing the exercises, you need to be honest, if you do not remember or cannot do it, you should choose to see the answer to understand, do not choose the answer to skip the question. This way, the system will count the questions you have difficulty with to help you review better.

Practice discipline yourself by making a clear and specific practice plan for each subject, to help practice and absorb knowledge more evenly and fully.

When encountering difficult questions, in addition to looking at the answers and explanations of the questions, if you still have difficulties, find out as soon as possible by: searching for information on Google or asking relatives to clarify the problem, then take notes for later, this helps the brain remember better the difficult problems encountered.
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